Maggi Noodles

An all-time favourite and many beginners’ choice to begin their cooking journey is noodles, especially Maggi. It is an easy and quick recipe that can be tried by anyone and is the best solution when you are tired. It is the favourite dish of kids and can be prepared within minutes.

Nowadays wheat noodles are also available. The method remains the same even if it is Top Ramen, Maggi or Yippee.

I have not included vegetables in this recipe but if you want you can do so.


1 packet Maggi Noodles (family pack 4) 

2 tbsp oil

1 big onion 

1 medium-sized tomato 

1tsp ginger

1 tsp garlic


Take a big Kadai or pan and heat it. Add 2 tbsp of oil and wait for 2 minutes. Then add onions and ginger-garlic paste.


Saute till the raw smell of garlic goes away. 


Now add tomatoes and give a quick stir.


For the colour of noodles add turmeric powder.


Finally, add the maggi masala(from the small pack) and saute well. The masala flavour is very appetizing. 


Saute further till the tomatoes get mixed well with ingredients and become mushy.

At this stage, you can add vegetables like carrot, beans and capsicum. (chopped) 


Now add 600 ml of water and allow it to boil.

Now you can add the noodles(noodles should be broken into pieces) and cook for 10 minutes on high flame. If you want the noodles to be watery you can add 100 ml of extra water.

Ta-da your favourite Maggi is ready for you to relish. Let me know if you enjoyed it in the comments!!P.S. It tastes better when eaten hot:)