French Toast

This amazing simple dish is called pain perdu meaning “lost bread” in France while some call it Bombay toast or French toast. Whatever the name may be the basic process is the same. The bread is dipped in an egg-milk mix to give a custard-like taste. This mix is flavoured and sugared as per your taste.

Mostly thick bread slices are preferred. If you use thin slices of bread just dip it in the egg-milk mix and take it out immediately. Otherwise, the bread will become soggy and it will be difficult for handling. For better results, toast the bread. A perfect French toast should be crispy.

Usually, 1 egg for 50 ml milk (approximately) is taken. (In terms of the cup, for 1 egg 1/4 cup of milk is taken.)

Usually, butter is used for French toast. As butter has a low melting point the bread gets burnt very fast. In order to prevent the burning of bread, you can use any oil with a high melting point. Here I have used vegetable oil. You can also use olive oil. This increases the crispiness of bread.


2 teaspoon oil

2 eggs

100 ml or 1 cup (approximately) of milk

4 slices bread

2 tablespoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

a pinch of salt


Preparation of the mix

Add all the ingredients except the oil and bread into a shallow mixing bowl. Mix well using a whisker.

Preparation of French Toast

Take a tawa or a skillet or a grill pan and heat it. Then add butter and allow it to melt. Now toast the bread on both sides on a low medium flame so that it turns slightly brown in colour. Keep it aside.

Pour a few drops of oil on the tawa. Dip the bread in the egg-milk mix and remove it immediately. This is a very crucial step as the bread will tend to become soggy if kept for a long time.

Place it on the tawa. Heat it on a low medium flame for a minute and turn it over. Continue heating for another minute and remove from the tawa.

Top it with honey and berries lavishly and enjoy your French Toast 🙂